The item doesn't suit you? Need to return something? Don't worry. You can return any item for a refund within 14 days of receiving your original order. If you would like a different size or colour, please return your unwanted item and place a new order. Just fill it in the returns note and put it in your parcel.
Return the unwanted item to the address (or just pop the adress from the returns note):
Sentiljska cesta 49
2000 Maribor
We'll refund the price you paid for your item, including sale items back to your original payment method.
The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure they're packed up properly and can't get damaged on the way! All goods will be inspected on return. We try hard to accept all returns, and returns have to be in the original packaging. In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we may have to send it back to you. The items must be in their original condition: intact, unused, in its original packaging with instructions and manufacturer labels. We do not accept items without labels. For hygienic reasons, stockings, socks, earrings, headbands and other hair ornaments cannot be returned or exchanged.
We're not responsible for any items that are returned to us by mistake. Make sure you use a postal service that insures you for the value of the items you are returning and obtain proof of posting. Keep hold of your proof of postage in case we need to see it at a later date.